Iced Americano$10.25
Traditional Iced Americano is made by pouring cold water, over ice followed by shots of espresso. With manual pour over, the coffee drains directly onto the cold water and ice, so it chills during brewing. .

Iced Cappuccino$12.50
To make a Hot Cappuccino, a classic espresso drink offering frothy, bold deliciousness, we combine espresso with steamed milk, then top it with a thick layer of milk foam. For a refreshing Iced Cappuccino, we combine espresso with cold milk, then pour it over ice and top it with a thick layer of milk foam.

Iced Espresso$14.25
Iced espresso is espresso served over ice, often with milk. It's similar to iced coffee, but it uses espresso instead of brewed coffee. Starbucks calls this drink is an iced shaken espresso: the espresso is shaken with ice and sweetener before serving.

Iced Latte$11.50
An iced latte is a drink with espresso, milk and optional sweetener. The milk is often frothed to simulate the steamed milk in a standard latte. So what's the difference vs iced coffee? Iced coffee uses brewed coffee and optional milk. Because an iced latte uses espresso, it has a stronger, darker flavor.

Hot Americano$8.50
An Americano, simply put, is espresso poured over hot water (or hot water poured over espresso if you prefer).

Hot Cappuccino$9.50
A classic cappuccino calls for 1/3 espresso, 1/3 steamed milk, and 1/3 foam. You can mix it up by using 2 or 3 tablespoons of flavored syrups or even different kinds of milk, like chocolate or vanilla.

Hot Espresso$7.50
espresso is a concentrated form of coffee brewed with high pressure, hot water and finely ground coffee beans. Espresso is thicker than regular coffee and has a layer of “crema” on top, which results from air bubbles mixing with the coffee's oils.

Hot Latte$6.50
Made with steamed, frothy milk, blended with our rich, freshly ground and brewed espresso.

Strawberry Smoothie$12.50
Like antioxidants, the phytonutrients in raspberries and strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties. These nutrients also boost your immune system and help repair DNA damage. Last but not least, drinking fruit smoothies can also help you get a healthy dose of fiber, which aids in digestion.

Red Berry Smoothie$14.50
A healthy berry smoothie is rich in antioxidants. Without antioxidants, these free radicals would increase, and damage your cells, causing oxidative stress. Antioxidants such as ellagic acid, anthocyanins, and resveratrol protect your cells and reduce the risk of getting diseases.

Pineapple Smoothie$16.50
It's high in vitamin C, which can help protect your body against the common cold. It also contains enzymes that have been shown to activate a healthy immune system response. Pineapple juice contains an enzyme called bromelain, which triggers your body's ability to fight pain and reduce swelling.

Spinach Smoothie$18.50
Spinach is an EXCELLENT source of calcium magnesium and iron and is rich in vitamins A, B6 and C as well. It can aid in digestion as well as help boost your immune system, so spinach is always a good idea! Blending up a spinach smoothie blueberry is a good way to add it to your diet!